Horse boarding house
Hippodrome Wola is located in Poznań, Poznań Wola railway station and bus stops (Tatrzańska) provide very good communication for the residents of Poznań and the surrounding area.
The center is located on national road 92, in close proximity to the S11 expressway and the A2 motorway. The guesthouse offers comfortable, spacious and bright boxes in four stables. Concentrated feed is provided 3 times a day, bulk feed 2 times a day. It is possible to paddock horses and use the carousel. The facility has internal and external washers as well as social rooms for storing equipment. In September 2024, modernized riding halls with dimensions of 24x60 and 35x70 with a new substrate in the Ebbe und Flut system were put into use. The renovation also included stables 3A and 3B.